What really is, “No Worries” WiFi?

Have you ever had the nagging sensation that your WiFi is bad?

We’ve all had this experience: You’ve got 47 tabs open in your browser, you’re streaming a YouTube how-to video, and Pandora is softly rocking your tunes in the background. However, while you’re using all of these internet services, your WiFi is slow and lagging. You don’t know why and it bugs you. You feel like it shouldn’t be this way, technology is advanced now and stuff should just work! But, it doesn’t. And it lags, and loading wheels endlessly spin, and that new, nifty gadget you bought keeps disconnecting. You’re frustrated beyond words.

You’re seeking No Worries WiFi.

You want WiFi that’s always up and connected when you need it. You want WiFi that you don’t have to think about, but it just works all the time. You want WiFi that you don’t have to upgrade when you get a new device. You want WiFi that makes you more productive, not less. You want WiFi that you have someone to help you when there is an issue. You want reliable WiFi coverage throughout your entire home or business. You don’t have time to sit on the phone with India to get your questions answered. You don’t have time to reboot your router five times a week because your WiFi stopped working. You want to be able to get a strong, consistent signal in your bed room and not have to get up and walk down the hall to send an email.

You’re seeking Proper Access.

Proper Access is no worries WiFi. We fix all your WiFi problems. We’re secure, reliable, consistent, and future-proof. We back all of this up with our industry-leading, No Worries Support plan. We’re on your side, we’re your team, and we’re here for you. It’s simply Proper Access—no worries included.

Spencer Proper

WiFi, Smart Home, Technology.


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